Established in 2019, the Cancer Foundation of Saskatchewan (Foundation) is the fundraising partner of the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency (Agency). For many years, the Agency accepted donations from generous donors. The development of an arms-length foundation in 2019 allows the Agency to focus on their mandate of taking care of cancer patients.
Every dollar donated to the Foundation is used to enhance cancer care for the people and communities of Saskatchewan, the traditional territory of the First Nations people and the homeland of the Métis.
Your gifts help support the work of the Agency, including the following facilities and programs:
- The Saskatoon Cancer Centre and the Allan Blair Cancer Centre in Regina
- Cancer Patient Lodges in Regina and Saskatoon, providing a home away from home for rural patients and their companion
- Community Oncology Program of Saskatchewan, providing chemotherapy treatments alongside our healthcare partners in 16 rural locations, keeping care closer to home
- Screening programs for breast, cervical and colorectal cancers, including a mobile unit that provides mammograms to women in rural and northern Saskatchewan
- Cancer research both laboratory and clinical, including clinical trials
- And so much more in support of the 1.17 million people living in Saskatchewan
Donations help ensure that Saskatchewan cancer patients have access to the latest technology, innovative treatments and compassionate care to provide the best possible outcome through their cancer journey.
The Knot of Protection, our logo, has served as a symbol of protection for the ill. It is a never-ending loop, distinct because of its four corners; they show the interconnectedness of the patient, their family, the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency and the Foundation in the fight against cancer. And so we will work together, to truly make a difference. We are Stronger Together.
With more than 6,200 newly diagnosed cancer cases in Saskatchewan each year, we believe now is the time to act. Together we can change what’s possible for cancer patients in our province.